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Un article est apparu sur le site Gateworld concernant SG-U, et fait la liste des possibilités de scénario par Joseph Mallozzi pour ce qui aurait été le début de la saison 3:
Eli fixes a pod. The simplest and most obvious solution is that Eli’s plan works: he manages to repair the last pod before time expires and puts himself into stasis. He awakens with the rest of the crew … though Mallozzi suggests this might have been much, much more than three years. He would have considered a time jump anywhere from three to 1,000 years, potentially resetting the show (and Destiny‘s connection with Earth, via the communication stones) in a more radical way.
Eli survives by finding more power. Mallozzi suggested that the ship’s lone remaining shuttle could have provided a satisfying solution. Eli is unable to fix the stasis pod but he manages to survive awake for three years, not simply by routing power from the shuttle’s systems into Destiny but just the opposite. “Given its independent system,” Mallozzi says, “Eli could reroute all of Destiny’s power reserves to maintaining life support within the closed confines of the shuttle and, perhaps, the sealed-off antechamber to the ship where he could store enough food to last him three years.”
Eli uploads his conscious mind to Destiny‘s computer. Unable to fix the stasis pod or find more power, instead of dying Eli joins Ginn and Amanda Perry inside the ship’s computer. This would give him full access to controlling the ship’s systems … but of course Eli giving up his physical form would be a major change for the show. The writers hesitated to keep that situation going for a full season (or more), and reserved this option for a potential Stargate movie.
Earth sends a team through the Stargate. During the three (or more) years that Destiny is crossing the void, Earth works the problem — eventually engineering a way to dial Destiny and send a rescue team, probably with a Z.P.M. or other power source in tow. This would no doubt be achieved through the combined brilliance of Samantha Carter and Rodney McKay. And, since we know that the naquadria-rich planet Langara can dial the 9-chevron address (“Seizure”), maybe Season Three would have been a good opportunity to bring back former SG-1 team member Jonas Quinn (Corin Nemec).
It would probably be Colonel Telford (Lou Diamond Phillips) leading the rescue op. And maybe he knows it’s a one-way trip for him and his airmen. “As for what other familiar faces from SG-1 and Atlantis would make an appearance — well, aside from the obvious (Daniel Jackson, who certainly wouldn’t miss this opportunity), it was up in the air.”
The crew is rescued from the void by their own descendants. In Season Two Destiny encountered a colony of Novans, humans descended from a duplicate version of the crew who were sent back in time 2,000 years (“Common Descent”). We knew they had evolved far enough to develop interstellar ships. With a few more centuries to advance, they bring a fleet of ships into the void to find and rescue Destiny — adrift and without power. “They save us but their motives turn out to be less than honorable as, it turns out, they have designs on Destiny,” Mallozzi reveals. “This was probably my favorite scenario as I loved the idea of a plausible human military force becoming our third season Big Bad.”
Rescue comes from an alien race. Maybe it’s survivors of the Ursini. Or maybe the blue aliens have used the information they mined from Chloe (“Deliverance”), and arrive to finally board Destiny and seize the ship. “There was also talk of salvation coming in the form of a completely new alien species (Brad’s uber-cool idea),” Mallozzi says, “possibly an energy-based race we unwittingly picked up during a refueling stop at a star. Eli starts glimpsing these entities and assumes, after three years by his lonesome, he is going nuts and hallucinating. Eventually the aliens reach out to him and, being energy based, are able to provide the power needed to ensure Destiny complete its journey.”
Those last two ideas are definitely our favorite, and would have set up a third season to take the crew in a fascinating direction. One could have added new characters from the advanced Novans, and the other might have forged a tenuous alliance with the blue aliens — initially regarded as one of the most grave threats to Destiny.
As these six scenarios suggest, the writers were toying with the idea of a longer time jump when the series abruptly ended. Although a three-year jump was the most likely, Mallozzi says he was in favor of shaking up the Earth side of the show with a longer gap.
“A ten year journey would have been more interesting in that it would offer up some great story possibilities as our crew inevitably try to reconnect with loved ones following a decades-long absence,” he says. “Are they still alive? How have they moved on? What has changed in their lives?
“There was even talk of returning to an Earth in the midst of a multi-year war with the Lucian Alliance” — the hostile force that invaded Destiny at the end of Season One. “For my part, I preferred the idea that our characters don’t know how long they’ve been in stasis and, when they contact Earth, are horrified to discover it’s been 100+ years. Their loved ones are long-gone, the lives they led distant memories, and they must adjust to a world very different from the one they left behind.”
That would have made for a very different show moving forward. Destiny is still able to make contact with Earth, but the names and faces have all changed. The characters (and guest stars) the audience knows and loves are all gone, Earth has advanced, and Destiny‘s mission is cast in a whole new light.
The third season would have also revisited the loose thread of T.J.’s health, as the show left her with a terminal diagnosis of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). “We probably would have found a cure for T.J.’s condition – but only eventually,” Mallozzi says. “I liked the idea of one of our main characters having to face her mortality,” and if Mallozzi got his way T.J.’s battle would have played out over the course of at least a season before she was cured. (A similar scenario may have been in the cards for Lisa Park’s blindness.)
Ginn and Perry would have definitely returned, as last we saw them they had not been deleted but only quarantined from the ship’s main computer (“Hope”). “Eli would have no doubt found a way to address any potential threat and re-upload them to Destiny. That was one possibility.” But another, more “diabolical” idea (apparently floated by series co-creator Brad Wright) was to have Eli find Chloe’s pod damaged and Chloe near death, and download Ginn’s mind into her body in a desperate effort to save his friend.
While Stargate Universe is over (for now), in the years since it aired fans have been quick to point out the story possibilities offered by leaving the crew in stasis. The writers too were aware of how easy it would be to revive the story, even all these years later: “From a creative standpoint, it wouldn’t be difficult to continue the series,” Mallozzi says. “SGU offered an ending that permits us to pick up the story at any point in time (who knows how long the journey took?) and explain away any aging on the part of our characters or the failure of some to emerge from stasis with a convenient in-story explanation.”
Et vous ? Quelle idée de scénario vous aimez bien dans cette liste ? Ou même une autre idée ?
Perso, j'irais sur les idées 1, 3 et 6
Dernière modification par Haeresis (04-10-2024 00:44:27)
Humans are weak, and make mistakes. What's wrong with that ? We're not machines. Captain Hijikata - Yamato 2202
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